
>>but insurance is through the roof now, not like when I had my R22 many years ago. <<

Really? I've not been following helo insurance, but airplane insurance is the lowest it's been in over 50 years. Too many companies in the market driving premium prices down badly, plus there's coverage you couldn't get five years ago. Brokers are crying because their share is way, way down. We've been waiting for a shakeout in the market like we had in about 1996 when a bunch of the aggressive writers started getting claims and the premium money wasn't enough and they went broke, thinned the market and prices went up. Hasn't happened, although two or three airline crashes might just do it.

I'm kind of surprised it's not that way for helos.

On the Just Aircraft, look at the pitch attitude as you get down near the runway - you better know there aren't any ditches or potholes in the spot where you want to land because you are not going to see them, nose is way too high. I prefer the 150/150 with full flaps - lots of vis, or a Maule, or the canard conversion of the 182, Peterson 260/King Katmai, the airplane approaches level and you can see everything except for a moment at the end of the flare.

Warmest regards,