1000 feet of grass isn't enough for any of the planes you're looking at, considering the density altitudes you can expect.

If you are able to convert that overrun into runway, go buy Anthony's 150E, because you're not likely to find a better deal on anything else in the air.

If you're staying with 1000' you might be happier with a Champ or maybe a Light Sport.

I'm at 4500+ MSL and get unstuck from my graded-dirt runway at about 1000 feet, solo, in a stock 1970 150K. Dirt is NOT grass. Grass is great for landings but not takeoffs.

My final thought is that IF you are unobstructed, AND solo, AND below that 175-lb "typical" pilot, even on grass a standard 150 will probably work for you. Change any of those and you will have times in summer where you won't need a harness, because suction will be holding you in your seat.