Not me. Last time I flew a single engine in EMS was about 10 years ago. The job is dangerous enough and on top of that flying a single engine without autopilot is nuts!!

I set up a tour business for an idiot in Canyon Lake a few years ago. After I got him all permits, registered a heliport for him and got him insurance, set up routes, and trained him to fly the helo, 4 months later he didn't want to pay me anymore and told me "Why do I need a chief pilot anymore?" before firing me, and I told him "the reason you need one is demonstrated by the fact that you have to ask that question". He fired me and later didn't last the entire season, was under investigation and looking at a lawsuit by the neighbors, and went belly up. Most unsafe operation I had ever seen, the guy couldn't pass the simple Eurocopter EC-120 training in DFW, he had to go back twice !! Some people have money but no common sense. Gotta go to bed, girlfriend is giving the evil eyes, lol, goodnight Ed.

Previously owned:
Piper Seneca I
Piper Cherokee 6/260
Grumman Tiger AG5B
Citabria 7ECA
Pilatus P3
Quicksilver Experimental/AB
Robinson R22 Mariner
PR53 Heliport