It's regulated here by federal law. Maximum 196 (if I remember correctly) gallons and you don't need any placards or special anything. The way around having more fuel is you get two 196 gallon tanks but they CAN'T be connected. We put 2 in the back of a pickup truck to refuel a tour helicopter. If you have a large enough trailer you could put many 55 gallon drums but they can not be connected or you'll need a hazmat endorsement on your driver's license and all kinds of inspections and placards.

I think a 55 gallon drum is good enough so the fuel doesn't sit long, of course unless you're flying more and need more.

Last edited by Carlos_Rodriguez; 12/26/15 03:53 PM.

Previously owned:
Piper Seneca I
Piper Cherokee 6/260
Grumman Tiger AG5B
Citabria 7ECA
Pilatus P3
Quicksilver Experimental/AB
Robinson R22 Mariner
PR53 Heliport