Thanks Barrett. That's what I need, info from people who know these planes so I can figure out what NOT to consider, like the 100hp out of my 1000' grass runway during a Texas summer, lol.

So now it's easier, my search has to be for a 150/150 if I'm wanting to fly out of here regularly.

Ed, thank you for that study and your PM info. I retired from the Air Force after 20+ years and love it when the Air Force still helps me out like with this report, lol. If you can find the brochure with the performance numbers that would be awesome too. I'll add cruise prop to the list. If you ever come down this way again you can land and visit here with my family. Might even have a longer runway by then.

Michael, thanks for your info as well. Right now I'm looking at two 150/150, one TD and other nosegear and both have STOL kits. When I first saw one of them I noticed no VGs and asked and my mechanic told me it had STOL but no VGs. Since I had my doubts about VG versus STOL I'm going to do a little more research on that. Your experience in that regard adds to what I thought about that subject and what others via PM have told me.

An eye opener is where you mention the nose wheel being better than an unmodified TD for short takeoffs. I'm sure I might be oversimplifying it but I also like the idea of the TD for softer runways (my field after big rains). We've all seen the YouTube videos and for you it's a normal daily operating flight, so if you could talk more about the TD vs nose gear it would help immensely.

I have a field so I was thinking about adding dirt and building up a 40' wide strip a few inches (for rain to roll off of) x 10000' to use as the runway. The field is completely flat and I drive a golf cart over it regularly so it's not as rough as what I'm sure you land on so I'm thinking it might not be so bad right now if I use a TD instead of a nosewheel 150 and save on the additional dirt buildup making the entire field my runway, not just 40' of it.

These are the things I'm having to research before I buy the plane even though I'm going to leave it at the local airport hangar until I'm very comfortable with short field use as they also have a grass runway with the asphalt one.

As soon as I narrow down the aircraft search I'll definitely PM you about it. You guys have already given me more info to think about regarding the runway and aircraft so thanks.

Previously owned:
Piper Seneca I
Piper Cherokee 6/260
Grumman Tiger AG5B
Citabria 7ECA
Pilatus P3
Quicksilver Experimental/AB
Robinson R22 Mariner
PR53 Heliport