Steven, I would wonder what benefit you would get out of registering here in Canada. As long as you have a US pilot's license, I believe you are foot loose and fancy free. I would imagine,, you'd find it cost prohibitive. No one has really said,, but I'm about 98% sure that at a minimum, the inspection and related paperwork will cost $5000. And then, there is the tax thing. I don't know if Manitoba has a "sales tax", or how GST is applied. One thing I do know for sure,, and here I'll use a car as an example. Let's assume you purchased a vehicle say,, 3 years ago in Alberta, or the US,, well guess what, they expect their sales tax when you register it in BC,, yep, even if you've owned the thing for several years. "They use the blue book value". Regarding GST,, that one I don't know how it's applied.
Last edited by lionel_CFETZ; 12/02/08 01:27 AM.