I second Fred's explanation.
Spend extra money to get an aircraft that is in very good mechanical shape, with few field approved installed mods. Radios are typically considered not a major mod here in Canada, so they should be accepted without too much problem. Otherwise, any mods should be STC'ed. I wouldn't bother with an export C of A, as the aircraft will have to be inspected during the import process anyway. This is where a "nice" aircraft will be worth it in the long run.
You should watch out for Canadian AD's. There is one on heavy duty nose gear that does not apply to US registered aircraft. There are also specific Canadian AD's for Cessna seat rails and heat muff inspections, among others.
Here [
tc.gc.ca] is TC MSI 26 that covers importing aircraft. It is the document that the minister delegate would use during an import.
Here [
tc.gc.ca] is the link to Canadian AD's. Use the advanced search function.
Good Luck