The asking price seems a bit high, as you indicated in your post, for the airframe TT and engine hrs.( IMHO)
There are many more lower time planes out there with more reasonable asking prices. The fact that the engine was a factory reman is actually not a reason to ask more on the price, it just means that some "mechanic' didn't overhaul it out of the trunk of his car. Around 1200 hrs is where 0-200's need cylinder work, USUALLY, so it's possible it may require some top end work to get it to TBO.Figure at least $800 a cylinder to fix including labor. I wouldn't worry about the damage, as that was over 12 or so years ago. The avionics don't excite me, the KNS80 is not a GPS- it's RNAV, and in my opinion it's as dated as LORAN. I'd be much, much happier with a newer GPS unit. Look what used KNS80's are going for on eBay and such, not that much, as no one wants them anymore, same as LORAN. The paint is 10 years old- was plane hangared or tied outside? What do you want the plane for? and what drew you to this one? Are you looking for a time builder? or a plane you'll have for a long time? Consider the possibility that you buy it, fly a hundred or so hrs and then have to sell it for whatever reason. Do you think you would get what you paid for it? Would it appreciate in value? Or would you take a huge loss? You have to consider all these options- perhaps a basic VFR plane would be better, and you could upgrade the avionics to your needs. A better choice could be an older 150, mid-time engine with a recent "top" overhaul, that you could fly for at least 200-300 hrs, and save a substantial sum over renting. Which ever plane you decide on, make sure you do a thorough inspection, and if the seller wants a ton of money, there are many, many other planes for sale out there. Good luck, and welcome to the 150-152 club.