Hi all. First time post and first time plane buyer (unless you count the experimental I'm [ostensibly] building]).
Hoping you might answer a few questions I have about one 150L in particular and about 150s in general...

Looking at this 1974 150L on Controller: 1974 150L - IFR equipped [controller.com]

Additional info from seller:
  • The plane is used frequently for short flights. 20 min flights twice a day approx 3 times a week, with 2 to 2.3 hour flight twice a month.
  • Reman was by Continental in 1997.
  • Logs are complete.
  • There was minor damage in 1984. A student apparently bent the wing.

Photos show a nice looking plane with good P&I.

So... What do you think of the asking price, given the hours and time since reman (1225 hours, 10 years) and above average airframe hours?
He's asking $25,500.
My quote from Aeroprice.com came back at $17,400. Engine value and avionics value adjustments canceled each other out; airframe value adjustment took a hit; base plane (standard, basic avionics) value was given as $17,800.

What might I expect to need to do to the engine over the next few years (assume flight 2x per week, 100 hours per year)? (yeah, I know it's all a guess)

I also have a couple more general questions... (bear with me)

I seem to be living amongst a bunch of Lycoming fanatics. How can I blunt their arguments against the Continental? (pros/cons of each)

Why is the O-200 TBO so low compared to the Lycoming O-235?

Thanks for your help.
I'm already learning a lot, scouring the site and forum.



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