I saw this plane for sale on my field. Mason Michigan KTEW. The owner is a member of my EAA chapter. 5335 TT 405 SMOH $ 18,500 November 2005 annual. (517)333-4531 Owners name is Drew.
I own a 1970 150K. This one is at least a 1972 150L, evidenced by the longer dorsal fin, fiberglass single bulb cowl, and no landing lights in the wing.
Serial Number 15072550 Type Registration Corporation Manufacturer Name CESSNA Model 150L Status Valid Type Aircraft Fixed Wing Single-Engine Type Engine Reciprocating Pending Number Change None Dealer No Date Change Authorized None Mode S Code 50064254 MFR Year 1971 Fractional Owner NO
Dick - I tried the number posted for this plane and just got a fax tone, is there another number? Also, do you know anything else about the plane? I'm currently looking to buy a 150 and this one looks kind of interesting. Thanks, Scott