Excited to hear about tailwheel training - hope those going through it will give us reports. It's hard work, but incredibly rewarding and your crosswind chops in nosewheel airplanes will skyrocket. (You may even find yourself taxiing with the yoke fully aft in nosewheel airplanes aftward. Not a bad thing, especially on grass or rough surfaces - prolong the prop life.)
Thank you again Matt for offering the tailwheel endorsements. The experience was not only a lot of fun, but it was quite humbling. I definitely have a deeper respect for tailwheel pilots.
It's amazing how much more the rudder is needed, you really have to get those feet moving. You also have to be ready for the left turning tendency on take off due to gyroscopic precession.
Taxiing is interesting as it can get away from you really quickly due to the center of gravity. It's more leading the turns and stopping the turns with the opposite rudder early as once the airplane starts to turn, it'll just keep going.
For landing, it's all about a stable approach. 3 point landings are pretty straightforward, as it's almost the similar sight picture in the flare as our airplanes. Wheel landings are a little more counterintuitive. You have to really fly the airplane to the runway all the way until the wheels touch. Once the wheels touch you have to push forward a little to push the wheels into the ground as you pull power & hold the tail off as long as you can.
With all landings once the tail is down, it is pretty much full stick back while on the ground with your standard crosswind corrections. The exception would be if you have more of a tailwind than your taxi speed.
You really have to fly tailwheels from startup to shutdown.
It was also interesting transitioning from my lil' Cessna 150 to the Citaborea. It was so weird flying with my right hand & a stick instead of a control yoke. After a few hours, I started to get used to it which really helped my approaches.
I am looking forward to continuing my training as I still feel like I need more.
Samira is happy to have achieved the endorsement thanks to Matt and the team at CWI!
Not to be outdone for long, I’m signed up for a few lessons in a champ locally starting August 24. I’ll learn to use my feet! Very exciting
That's awesome. The Champ is a fun plane to fly. One of our hangar tenants has a Champ and lets me fly it. You'll like it a lot. To me their easier to fly than the Citabria.
I'm not too far behind, at least that's the plan. Just waiting for runway & taxiway work to get done at our airport next month so I can get started in a Taylorcraft.
States I landed in N63420 while he was mine: KDCY
"Flying a plane is no different from riding a bicycle. It's just a lot harder to put baseball cards in the spokes." - Captain Rex Kramer