After almost 12 years of ownership, I am putting my N11573 up for sale. (It’s not what you think. I recently purchased a Cessna 172 and my financial advisor informed me that we can’t afford 2 airplanes.)
After leaving the Kansas factory in December 1973, she was based in Oklahoma for about a year training new pilots before being relocated to Iowa and Nebraska for the next 48 years in private hands.
Currently the airframe and engine hours are at 3001 and counting. The engine was overhauled once at 1625 hrs. which is 1376 SMOH. A couple of cylinders have been replaced since.
The prop has 378 hrs since overhaul. (Thanks Benjie)
She is sporting the original exterior paint and interior.
Some of the improvements that have been added are: Skytec starter FM engine oil filter EAA auto fuel STC Cleveland wheels and brakes Lord shimmy damper Mcfarlane fuel vent line. Tanis engine heater TKM 300 Nav/com Flightcom 403LSA 2 place stereo intercom. (Pilot side has Lemo headset plug) Garmin 327 transponder ADSB out Tailbeacon Electronics International volt/amp gauge Electronics International FP-5L fuel flow LED exterior lights (excluding the beacon) ACK 406 mhz ELT
I have always done owner assisted annual inspections, The last 4 have been with a retired Fedex mechanic located in central Iowa. He doesn’t miss anything. (Just ask David R)
$35,000 Firm
Airframe and engine logs since birth.
Last edited by Lyle Eisenhauer; 01/29/2301:25 PM.
1961 172B. N7909X (Sold)1974L N11573 Sterling NE 0G3
Seriously, you have a very nice airplane for sale at a fair price. Good luck!
What prompted you to switch to a 172? I am always curious. My financial advisor (a few years ago] pointed me the other direction, from a 172 to a 150. Both are superb!
Seriously, you have a very nice airplane for sale at a fair price. Good luck!
What prompted you to switch to a 172? I am always curious. My financial advisor (a few years ago] pointed me the other direction, from a 172 to a 150. Both are superb!
I’m 6’1”, upteen lbs and over 65. I needed a bigger door.
1961 172B. N7909X (Sold)1974L N11573 Sterling NE 0G3
That is a nice airplane! It will be missed on the Fly Kansas Air Tour.
Lyle, just because my L model with the Lycoming 0320 can outrun your stock L doesn’t mean you need to beat me now with a Skyhawk. That’s it, I’m shopping for a Skylane.
Congratulations on the upgrade! I want a ride in it.