A wise man once passed along an item to me on here with a price tag of postage + a pay-it-forward in the future. So here's an attempt to meet a portion of that bill with the same requirement of any recipients.
Here are a few items that have been removed from a 1968 C150H and are available for anyone that may need them. All items are used and show their age, but all were fully functional when recently removed for upgrades. There's no monetary charge for any of these, just be the first to request an item, provide a shipping label, and at some point in the future do something good for someone else. Does not need to be on this forum, and I don't even need to know about it.
I'll list each item in a separate reply with a quick description. Please be sure to specify which item you're interested in.
1 set of taxi and landing lights. The taxi light is a bit older and shows some hazing of the interior mirror. Landing light appears to be fairly new, but it was installed prior to my purchase of the airplane about a year ago. Both were removed when upgrading to LED lights and were functioning when removed. They'll work for spares for someone not interested in upgrading and/or who rarely flies at night. I have no idea how many hours are on either, but clearly the landing beam is much newer than the taxi flood light. Both have the seals included.
1 full set of tan carpet. All components are present. The storage compartment portion has one edge seal that came off sometime throughout the years and could be replaced. Very minimal wear on the foot pads by the pilot and copilot. I haven't cleaned them at all so they would definitely look much better with some TLC. Overall they're holding together well with the exception of the torn edge seem. All velcro is intact and holding. There's no doubt some staining that may not be able to be removed with cleaning. There doesn't appear to be much UV damage, but that would likely appear more as they're cleaned. I'm just posting pics of the worst portions.
One full set of tan(ish) hand grips. All components are included with the exception of one of the chromed screw covers. All 7 of the screw covered are showing some rust and would need stripped and refinished. The handles themselves are clearly originals and are stained from use. There aren't any cracks in them and they're surprisingly not too brittle. They would work as a quick and easy replacement for someone who has broken handles.
Two antennas with hardware connections. Also included in the box are two Telex PTT units that were hardwired (no plugs included). Again, both antennas were functional but were removed to upgrade to current technology. The antennas were most recently used with MX300 radios, but I believe were installed with the original Cessna radios.
I need a couple of the little rectangular screw cover pieces but ONLY if somebody else takes all the handles and they end up with extras. I would not want you to split the parts up unless it works for other folks as well.
Martin - If no one needs the entire set within the next few days, they're all yours. If someone needs part of the set, I'll break it up for all involved. We'll touch base next week. Have a great weekend!