Thanks Kirk! Mine has been rebuilt one too many times. Though not by the "Doc". I'll check him out.
Tactic, did you ever check out that "Doc" airbox repair guy? If so, what was your experience?
I may be looking at carb airbox issues on my plane. Wag Aero has an aftermarket C-150-style airbox available for about $275 (looks kind of cheap in the photo), and then there's the flimsy looking el-cheapo one being sold on Aircraft Spruce.
I wonder if "Doc" does complete refurbs of C-150 airboxes? He advertises C172 and C182 airboxes, but not C-150.
McFarlane has approved, like-OEM, brand-new airboxes -- and they are not inexpensive -- $3K to mid-$3K -- for C172 and C182, but none for C-150.