It's time to thin the herd, 5 airplanes is a few too many.
N19477, 1973 150L, 4221 TT, 457 SMOH, MX 300 nav/com, Narco LRN 840, ADS-B out uavonics wing tip. Can text pictures, don't know how to post pictures on here. Asking $30,000.00 Marshall Alexander (405) 417-6077, Oklahoma City, OK. 2OK2
Last edited by Mark; 06/30/2101:57 PM. Reason: Sold
C-150, N19477, C-172, N79104, Sling 2, N516NG, RV9A under construction N781DM reserved
Can text pictures, don't know how to post pictures on here.
There are a few ways to add pictures to a post. 1. First, when you make a post or a reply, click on Use Full Editor below the post box to get a full-function box with the row of icons. 2. a) You can upload your pictures to a site that hosts images, then click on the indicated icon to add links to the images. b) You can click on the Attachment Manager, then use "Select A File To Attach" to add the pictures/attachments to your post. Some sub-forums allow 10 attachments per post, some allow only 5 per post. When you're done adding attachments, click on Done to close the Attachment Manager.
Can text pictures, don't know how to post pictures on here.
There are a few ways to add pictures to a post. 1. First, when you make a post or a reply, click on Use Full Editor below the post box to get a full-function box with the row of icons. 2. a) You can upload your pictures to a site that hosts images, then click on the indicated icon to add links to the images. b) You can click on the Attachment Manager, then use "Select A File To Attach" to add the pictures/attachments to your post. Some sub-forums allow 10 attachments per post, some allow only 5 per post. When you're done adding attachments, click on Done to close the Attachment Manager.
I'll get one of my kids to help me with it, lol.
C-150, N19477, C-172, N79104, Sling 2, N516NG, RV9A under construction N781DM reserved