I took the plane up this evening for a short flight, twice around the pattern. The first was a normal pattern, the second was a power off 180 to land. Marcel was the copilot and videographer. The video is from just after engine start to engine off.
I'm kind of on holding pattern on selling J-mo. Posted in FB and here. Otherwise, not advertising. Not like Jim exactly, but something like, I also don't have to sell immediately. I really don't know what J-mo is worth. I haven't gotten the bill yet for the recent maintenance, and I want to get it fully paid before I can be confidant about giving her up to a new home. In the mean time, I fly her often and keep her clean. She is not a show piece, but she is a good plane.
Geoff, question about the engine. 385+ SMOH. When and where was the MOH? Also do you have electronic copies of the logs? Thanks.
Ken, Brown Aviation of Tulsa did the overhaul. The engine log entry is attached. I have complete logs since new. Paper variety. I took pictures of the latest entries of the engine log, airframe log, and prop log and latest tach number as well.
Looks like I'm at 390.2. Nearly every hour was flown by me, much of it instrument training, Kansas Air Tour and to Clinton and back.
Offer made and accepted by a local flight school. Waiting for payment. I'm pleased it will fly as an instrument trainer. I might even rent her from time to time.