I had the same problem with my tailcone cover getting long in the tooth. I called and one was not currently available for my particular aircraft. So I decided to repair mine and reinforce it some. What I did was lay up some fiberglass on the backside to repair cracks and give much more strength to the entire piece. I then redrilled all screw holes and painted it up. It came out very nice and no longer gives trouble when pulling it out. Legal? My IA liked it and said it was just a simple repair in his opinion.
Eric Olson Portland, OR N7165F 1966 Cessna C-150F Troutdale, OR (KTTD) Hangar C1 John 14:21
I made one from aluminum .040 2024 cleaned it up, painted it riveted 2024 angle top and bottom and installed it in my 68. It is as good as or better than the plastic ones (much better of course). so No problem as a minor non structural alteration with a owner produced part for safety considerations. No more worries of stuff breaking through the plastic and getting into the tail cone..
I also have a 1965 "E" model. I used the old plastic one as a template and made one of aluminum. I showed it to my A/I. He liked it. I'll post a picture if you like.
With a mile of highway, you can go one mile. With a mile of runway, you can go just about anywhere.
I also have a 1965 "E" model. I used the old plastic one as a template and made one of aluminum. I showed it to my A/I. He liked it. I'll post a picture if you like.
I also have a 1965 "E" model. I used the old plastic one as a template and made one of aluminum. I showed it to my A/I. He liked it. I'll post a picture if you like.
Everyone knows we're a picture oriented group.
Yeah....without pictures, it didn't happen.:):)
C-150, N19477, C-172, N79104, Sling 2, N516NG, RV9A under construction N781DM reserved
I also have a 1965 "E" model. I used the old plastic one as a template and made one of aluminum. I showed it to my A/I. He liked it. I'll post a picture if you like.
Everyone knows we're a picture oriented group.
Yeah....without pictures, it didn't happen.:):)
C-150, N19477, C-172, N79104, Sling 2, N516NG, RV9A under construction N781DM reserved
The hat shelf was part of the D/E models. Starting with the F model in 1966, Cessna moved the bulkhead back one bay, put another floor piece down in the open space, and removed the hat-shelf. That made for the big, wide-open baggage compartment of all later 150s and 152s.