I was poking around ebay and before I go that route thought I would see if anyone here has an interest in some working parts that came out of my Cherokee during the avionics upgrade.

1. Narco CP136 Audio Panel w/marker beacon. Was working perfectly when pulled from the panel. Going for $250 plus shipping on ebay, yours for $200 shipped CONUS
2. PS Engineering PMA1000 II, 4 place intercom with aux music input. Again, functioning perfectly when taken out. New from Spruce, these are $309 without the harness (no harness on this one). How about $150 shipped CONUS
3. Datcon Hobbs, this is the round version (no room so a new one went in that is rectangle). 800 plus hours on it and working when pulled. New they are $64.50. Yours for $35 shipped CONUS.
4. Narco AT150. This is likely a boat anchor. Quote was $1000 to repair it at Narco. Maybe there is someone who needs knobs or other parts off of it? You pay shipping and it's yours.

PM me with interest, questions or offers.