LIFE VEST FOR SALE Salvatore Sidoti 9 hours ago
EAM UXF 35 Life Vest (10 year) for sale Purchased from Aircraft Spruce last year. Stored in hangared airplane. Set of 2. $100.00. Affordable shipping based on address.
Read More | | Re: SPORTY'S ELECTRONIC E6B Jim Hillabrand 9 hours ago David, If you don’t get any takers for the E6B, we could (as a Club, or you personally) give it to one of the winners of our Westerman Scholarship at the Fly-In in Clinton. Just a suggestion. That same thought hit me as well when I read David's kind and generous offer.  This would be icing on the cake for the scholarship winner.
Read More | | Re: SPORTY'S ELECTRONIC E6B George Jameson 20 hours ago
David, If you don’t get any takers for the E6B, we could (as a Club, or you personally) give it to one of the winners of our Westerman Scholarship at the Fly-In in Clinton. Just a suggestion.
Read More | | SPORTY'S ELECTRONIC E6B David S Yesterday at 10:09 PM
FREE TO NEW STUDENT PILOT! If anyone knows someone who is in training for their Private Pilots certificate, I have a Sporty's Electronic E6B in like new condition, except for one tiny little rubber bumper is missing from the cover. As a retired CFI, I'd like to "pay it forward" and offer this for free, I'll even pay for shipping!
Legit student pilots only please!
PM me if interested.
Read More | | GARMIN aera 660 David S Yesterday at 09:58 PM
Garmin aera 660 for sale, never used in flight, just fiddled with at home. New condition, original box and accessories, and will include a Garmin carry case as well.
$500.00 including US shipping.
PM me if interested.
Read More | | BOSE A20 HEADSET David S Yesterday at 09:55 PM
Bose A20 Headset for sale, in brand new condition, in original box and packaging. Used for just a couple of hours. Bluetooth.
$800.00, and I will pay the shipping in the US.
PM me if interested.
Read More | | SPORTY'S PJ2+ COM RADIO David S Yesterday at 09:50 PM
Sporty's PJ2+ Com Radio for sale. Hardly used, brand new condition, in original box and packaging.
$175.00 including shipping in the US.
PM me if interested.
Read More | | Re: C150L spinner wanted Mike George Yesterday at 01:43 PM
I think I might have the spinner you are looking for. I'll attach pictures below. Don't know if you want perfect condition or not. This one will need new paint, and it's got an extremely small dent on the very tip which I tried to show in one of the photos. Tried to include the part number, but it's a little bit faded. I think it's the correct one though. Let me know!
Thanks, Mike
Read More | | Re: C150L spinner wanted Mark 03/21/25 06:17 PM Steve it can be flown legally without the spinner. Or a skull cap spinner Uhhhh, no, not legally, sort of. According to the Parts Manual, Cessna Part Number 0450516-1, Spinner (a.k.a. Skull Cap) is usable on Cessna 150s from serial number 17001 (the first 150) thru serial number 15072003 (the last "K" model). So the skull cap is not legal on an L or an M. Can you fly without a spinner? The spinner is listed as "Standard" equipment on the L & M. It came from the factory with a spinner. However, it's not listed as "Required" equipment. The configuration of the cowling on the L & M models is different than the previous models due to the prop extension. So, I guess you can fly without one, but the airflow around that center extension will be all screwed up. No telling what that would do to the cooling air. I have seen it done with a skull cap, even though the parts manual says you can't. The 150L in the attached photos was seen at the 2023 Sun n Fun.
Read More | | C150L spinner wanted Steve Boyer 03/21/25 12:20 AM
Hi all, I need a spinner for a Cessna 150L. Cessna part number was 0450042-1 or -2. I am getting an airplane airworthy again after years of sitting. Thanks! Steve Boyer 330-317-3966
Read More | | Re: ISO dome light cover Steven Keller 03/20/25 05:33 PM
Mike: I appreciate you getting back so soon. Unfortunately this is not the one. Mine has a speaker cutout in it and the dome light (white) is closer to the instrument (red) light with the speaker being closer to the rear. I wish it would fit because your pricing was not out of line at all.
Thanks again,
I will continue the quest. You are also correct they want @240 plus shipping for a new one from Advantage.
Read More | | Re: ISO dome light cover Mike George 03/20/25 05:15 PM
Sure, I attached pictures below. Don't know if this is correct, but looks like to buy new it's a little over $200? I was thinking $60 shipped. If that doesn't work for you, please make an offer. It's hard to price items like this sometimes. And if you need more photos let me know!
Thank you, Mike
Read More | | Re: ISO dome light cover Mark 03/17/25 09:22 PM Was hoping to find in fairly good condition a used one and save some money. I had one on the shelf in the hangar for many moons, but I finally sold it at Oshkosh last year. But it's a great idea to ask here first. You never know, someone just might have what you're lookin for.
Read More | | Re: ISO dome light cover George Jameson 03/17/25 01:53 PM
If you buy from Plane Plastics, tell them you are a Cessna 150-152 Club Member and thank them for supporting our Club.
They may offer a discount for Club members.
Read More | | Re: ISO dome light cover Steven Keller 03/17/25 01:45 PM
Jim: I appreciate the input and source. May have to bite the bullet and buy new. Was hoping to find in fairly good condition a used one and save some money. Thanks again.
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