If you're reading this, then you probably know that I just picked up a set of Cessna yokes from a retired A&P a couple days ago. He asked me to pass on his contact info as he has more parts for sale.
What he does not have is a list of the parts (besides the one in his head). He'd prefer that people do not call and ask "What do you have?". If you are looking for a certain part(s), then ask him if he has it.
Some parts that he mentioned having are: O-200 cyls and other engine related parts. He specialized in overhauling engines for a while. He also mentioned Aeronca tail feathers, Cessna 150 nose wheel assys and parts, Tri-pacer wing ribs, Cherokee 140 vertical fin, Cub wheels, brakes & tail feathers. It sounded like he has alot more than that. Sorry Jeff, no Mooney parts at all, I did ask about the yokes that you are looking for.
He said that he used to advertise in Trade-A-Plane, but he is retired now and is consolidating two houses worth of stuff into one. He knows what the stuff is worth, but he seems to be offering very good prices. I thought that the yokes were almost a steal.
Robert Nims