I though it might be helpful to post my favorite classified resources, for those shopping for an airplane. Save these as bookmarks for future reference.
First of course, always check our Club classifieds, here and on the website, where you are sure to find airplanes for sale by Club members:
Trade a Plane is obviously one of the top choices, but you have to be a subscriber, cost is $15 a year, and worth it if you are seriously shopping for an airplane.
http://www.tradeaplane.comAn often overlooked website that often has as many airplanes as trade a plane, and is FREE is the Controller.
http://www.controller.comMy next favorite is ASO, also FREE.
http://www.aso.comAnother great FREE site for both airplanes and Parts is Barstormers
http://www.barnstormers.comThe folks who publish the Photo Ad Magazines have website that's free too, not my favorite, but worth checking:
http://www.aerotraderonline.comAircraft Dealer Net is huge, but only shows you some of the ads unless you subscribe. Still they have hundreds of free ads too.
http://www.aircraftdealers.net/findaircraft/After that, there are a few smaller magazine sites and the like, and of course AOPA has a bunch, but no pictures, which is makes window shopping kind of tough, but it's still a good resource.
http://www.aopa.org/classifieds/index.cfmeBay is a crapshoot, but there are sometimes very worthwhile planes there, you just have to be wary of unethical sellers and bidders. Don't skip eBay though, just be cautious.
http://www.motors.ebay.com/Landings.com is another.
http://www.landings.com/_Landings/pacflyer/classifieds.html Lastly Don't forget to Google "Cessna 150 for sale", there are a bunch of oddball single airplane sites out there, and you might find that needle in a haystack.