Gorgeous C150 in CA for sale. I'm not affiliated but have been searching for a nice IFR 150. This one looks great with the exception that it's so far from MD! Anyone on the West Coast looking for a nice IFR 150, this may be the one. Initial search didn't turn up anything bad but have by no means looked at the plane in detail. Just thought I'd post it.
This one looks great with the exception that it's so far from MD!
Haven't you read Stephen Mayotte's Ultimate Cross Country on the Club's web site. He bought his 150 in Redmond, Oregon and flew it home to Nashua, NH. between Christmas 2000 and New Year's 2001. If you have not read this adventure yet you realy should. Here is a link to it. Enjoy. [cessna150-152.com]
Check out my attached pix on 7-21-06 "Re: Panel Redo" #54402 & #54403. I took these shots of the plane in Bakersfield Muni several months ago - It was a very clean plane with an outstanding Panel. The pictures at Controllers don't do it justice!
I bought my 150 in Richmond, VA and flew it home to Texas. I planned on 2 days, but due to winds it actually took 3.
Looking back on it, I should have taken more time off from work and taken a week. Then I could have stopped at a lot more small airports and taken a more leisurely route back home.
Buy the plane and ENJOY the cross country flight back home!
If I had the extra time and money I would. We'll see what they're willing to come down on in price. Nice low time 150s can be had very easily for <$20k. He obviously sunk a lot of money into it though and likely won't be willing to come down too much. We shall see.
The other big issue is the logs. Wonder how kosher all his mods are. Certainly looks pretty though!
I'd still want to add wingtip strobes, harnesses, and for heavens sake take those yokes out and get them refinished. Too pretty a bird to miss that detail, IMHO.