Jim: I appreciate the input and source. May have to bite the bullet and buy new. Was hoping to find in fairly good condition a used one and save some money. Thanks again.
Missed yours but maybe someone else will stumble across this post that has one. Just curious. Could you share what you got for yours? If not - no worries.
Sure, I attached pictures below. Don't know if this is correct, but looks like to buy new it's a little over $200? I was thinking $60 shipped. If that doesn't work for you, please make an offer. It's hard to price items like this sometimes. And if you need more photos let me know!
Mike: I appreciate you getting back so soon. Unfortunately this is not the one. Mine has a speaker cutout in it and the dome light (white) is closer to the instrument (red) light with the speaker being closer to the rear. I wish it would fit because your pricing was not out of line at all.
Thanks again,
I will continue the quest. You are also correct they want @240 plus shipping for a new one from Advantage.