Volume 3 of The Thinking Pilot's Flight Manual or How to Survive Flying Little Airplanes and Have a Ball Doing It is finally out. My editor's threats of serious bodily injury got me moving. The e-book should be out in the next few weeks. Right now the hard copy is available at all of the usual suspect internet purveyors of fine literature and other printed material or you can get an personalized, autographed copy at http://www.rickdurden.com/book.html
Bad case of procrastination and an intent to use the same airplane for the cover photo as I did for the first two. (Hey, it's a Super Cub and it's yellow.) Since I'd had it on skis and floats, I wanted to get a takeoff shot of it on wheels. The problem is that it's in Michigan and every time I'd get back there and hope to do a photo shoot it was either on skis of floats, not wheels. I finally decided that I take my friend up on his offer to fly a bunch of takeoffs from a backcountry strip near here in his Citabria. His girlfriend (accomplished photographer and pilot, just got her commercial) laid down near the side of the runway and took a bunch of photos as he blasted off - and we got a good one.
I took the photo below of her taking the photo of her partner launching in the Citabria.
I'll be mailing your and Brandon's books in the morning.
Volume 3 of The Thinking Pilot's Flight Manual or How to Survive Flying Little Airplanes and Have a Ball Doing It is finally out. My editor's threats of serious bodily injury got me moving. The e-book should be out in the next few weeks. Right now the hard copy is available at all of the usual suspect internet purveyors of fine literature and other printed material or you can get an personalized, autographed copy at http://www.rickdurden.com/book.html
I already had volume 1 Kindle version. Just ordered Volume 2 Kindle version. Will order volume 3 when Kindle version comes out. Good books.
Looking forward to this new edition. One of my favorite stories of yours is the contrast between towns with and without general aviation airports. It was poignant and I wish more town fathers would read it.
The Wilds of Connecticut 4B9 C-150M N704VL (Baby Blue)