What did you replace the 530 with?
A Garmin GTN750
I was perfectly happy, content and comfortable with the 530 as I had 2 in our Bonanza, 1 in our 152 and 1 in our 150/150 (the one for sale) and I didn't set out to make this change but a sweetheart brother-in-law deal on the 750 landed on my door step so I moved forward with it.
Someone is going to end up with a very fine and dependable 530. Once you understand the Garmin logic, these units (430, 530, 650 and 750) are quite intuitive and, well, logical.
I'm hopeful someone here in the family will buy this and enjoy it as much as I have but if not, I'll need to step out of our circle and take a plunge into the dark side in another week or so.