From Barnstormers, I like the looks of this plane. . . . has many things that I look for in a plane: 1976 CESSNA 150M ? $20,500 ? FOR SALE ? 1976 Cessna 150M, 7150TT, 580SMOH, May 2006 Annual, Perfect Trainer or Sunday Flier. Will Deliver! With the high price of AVGAS, you will love the ability to fly along at 100 knots and average less than 6 GPH. Better yet, the MOGAS STC allows you to fill up with cheaper auto fuel. This is a basically unmodified 150M with no old Lorans or ADF equip to infringe on the useful load. ? Contact Grady Third - located Alexandria, MN USA ? Telephone: 320-491-2387 ? Posted September 7, 2006 ? low hours on the overhaul although you will want to see how long ago it was done and check engine condition
2. nice shiny aluminum inside the wings. . . .also probably means the paint is in nice condition and that this was a bird that's been hangared for most of its life. he repainted the cowling, though which makes sense. . . the heat and abrasion make the paint wear here more. that's how my bird is. paint is nice and solid, but less nice on cowling area. Try to get more pics of paint . . tops of wings, top of empennage, tops of horizontal stabilizers, wing struts, gear struts, wheel pants, belly, tops of flaps in down position, doors, close ups in high resolution are telling. . . you can zoom in on them even more for more detail. . . looks like it has abrasion boots on the horizontal stab's. too !
3. take a look at the engine pictures. looks maintained well and that money has been spent here.
4. glass appears to be nice
5. panel is basically equipped but nice. I like the original radios. try to get some close ups of the lower panel for condition and of the posts, headliner, rear plastics, door plastics.
6. no pics on seats and carpeting
7. comes w/ wheel pants so you save $750 bucks finding old ones that you have to fix up and paint along with finding all the brackets and hardware.
8. overall appears to be well cared for. check logbooks from all the years he's owned (plus maybe of the previous owner) to see how meticulously they've maintained it and kept fixing things etc. . . the more things that have been recently fixed, the better.
9. airframe a little on the high side from what I like to see but she looks like she's in good shape plus as I get older, it seems older airframe time, especially on Cessnas seems to bother me less and less and less (that's a good thing, right ? )
10. There are lots more questions to ask (damage history, title/liens, complete logbooks etc. . ), pictures to get, logbooks to check, title and background to check into, however. . . but I'd definitely check into this baby. Appears that she's all original too . . .I like that.
11. Get them to knock some $$ off the price to pay for your plane ticket and inspection costs. $35K for any 152 or 150 that is anything less than PERFECT in most everyway with low hours on airframe and engine and nice avionics is simply too much to pay.