| Joined: Dec 2003 Posts: 14,782 Likes: 544 Member/10,000+ posts! | Member/10,000+ posts! Joined: Dec 2003 Posts: 14,782 Likes: 544 |
-Kirk Wennerstrom President, Cessna 150-152 Fly-In Foundation 1976 Cessna Cardinal RG N7556V Hangar D1, Bridgeport, CT KBDR
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Henry N2011X - 1965 C182H
| | | | Joined: Jan 2015 Posts: 5,096 Likes: 21 Member/5000+posts! | Member/5000+posts! Joined: Jan 2015 Posts: 5,096 Likes: 21 | Really nice!
That's some kind of panel!!! I think your gonna love it!
| | | | Joined: Mar 2004 Posts: 15,868 Likes: 977 Member/15,000 posts | Member/15,000 posts Joined: Mar 2004 Posts: 15,868 Likes: 977 | So if you were flying a "152 Heavy" then this would be a "150 Super Guppy"?  Now you need to push out the retirement date.
Ron Stewart N5282B KSFZ | | | | Joined: Aug 2013 Posts: 471 Likes: 13 Member/250+posts | Member/250+posts Joined: Aug 2013 Posts: 471 Likes: 13 | [/quote] So if you were flying a "152 Heavy" then this would be a "150 Super Guppy"?  Now you need to push out the retirement date. [/quote] Yep I've been thinking about it and it could be a 152 extra heavy and hey no fat jokes I know I need to go on a diet already. A part time job is definitely in order for play and plane money
Someday is Today...Today is someday GO FLY 1978 R182 N718MJ | | | | Joined: Oct 2006 Posts: 11,389 Likes: 923 Member/10,000+ posts! | Member/10,000+ posts! Joined: Oct 2006 Posts: 11,389 Likes: 923 | Looks nice.
I was lucky enough to get a fair amount of time in 182RGs when I was a Cessna employee. The 182RG was the camel of the fleet, amazing endurance with a big, comfortable cabin and two doors. Very nice instrument platform. (Not as fast as a Bonanza but with much better head room, something that was important to me.) I flight planned it for 150 KTAS, which worked out pretty close.
The day Mt. St. Helens blew up I flew one from Jackson, Michigan nonstop to Wichita in just over five hours (and two hours left aboard on landing). Departed with full fuel, four adults, an infant and baggage and was still under gross. (That was back when there were FSS all over the place. I got my preflight briefing in person at the Jackson FSS. The briefer was all excited because I was going west of the Mississippi and there were all sorts of NOTAMs for closed airways due to volcanic ash up to some pretty high altitudes and reports of engine issues from a number of jets. Everything was well northwest of my route, but it was certainly something I'd never run into before. A couple of days later we did get a noticeable layer of ash on everything in Wichita. Was a little like the days we'd get some snow when the winds were high enough to put dirt/dust in the air.)
Hope you get many years of happiness with your new airplane. | | | | Joined: Apr 2005 Posts: 9,797 Likes: 97 Member/7500+posts | Member/7500+posts Joined: Apr 2005 Posts: 9,797 Likes: 97 | I, too, am in love with the Cessna 182's. I've had a couple of opportunities this year to fly along with a local pilot in his 2004 Cessna 182T, G-1000 equipped. What a comfortable, smooth performer it is.
To get a nice one that would be relatively affordable, I'd look at the 182RGs, mainly because where some prefer brunettes over blondes, I prefer Lycomings over Continentals. Maybe that's because I don't fly regularly enough to properly maintain a Continental...
The Lycoming 540 series powerplants are amazing pieces of machinery to me.
That said...there's a Piper Twin Comanche sitting outside on the ramp at Arlington...each drive past her sets my lust afire!
165 KTAS, 16 gph at altitude...plus an added bit of insurance with the second engine...
But, I digress. Nice pick, Jeff! I hope the sale works out perfectly for you!
Gary Shreve When writing the story of your life, never, ever let someone else hold the pen. [ Linked Image] | | | | Joined: Oct 2006 Posts: 11,389 Likes: 923 Member/10,000+ posts! | Member/10,000+ posts! Joined: Oct 2006 Posts: 11,389 Likes: 923 | Gary,
You need that Twin Comanche.
Life is too short - you don't want to be sitting in the retirement home, sucking on your gums and thinking about the Twin Comanche you let go ...
165 KTAS, 16 GPH, .....
It's calling you | | | | Joined: Aug 2013 Posts: 471 Likes: 13 Member/250+posts | Member/250+posts Joined: Aug 2013 Posts: 471 Likes: 13 | Gary, I almost called you on an RG that was about an hour south of Fort Worth but it like a few others I was interested in went quickly. Believe it or not my nephew/instructor was talking about the twin Comanche too as a plane he always wanted and I seriously looked at a couple as they are practically begging people to take them away.
So I agree with Rick you should pull the trigger
BTW the Lycoming is another reason I wanted an RG as well
Last edited by Jeff_McGuire; 11/16/18 01:23 AM.
Someday is Today...Today is someday GO FLY 1978 R182 N718MJ | | | | Joined: Sep 2006 Posts: 8,775 Likes: 300 Member/7500+posts | Member/7500+posts Joined: Sep 2006 Posts: 8,775 Likes: 300 | Congratulations, Jeff. What a beautiful 182RG. And the panel is amazing looking! It will be fun flying it to from CA to RI!
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