Thanks Kirk,
That is good advise. Something else I considered was to purchase the geniune Cessna Article. It is about $175.00 more, however if it is a higher quality better lasting product, then the $175.00 well spent.
If it comes from the same source, then why bother.
The genuine Cessna spinner FOR THE SENSENICH PROP is two pieces, The dome and the backplate. The two pieces together will cost you in excess of $1000!!!!
0450020-1 PLATE
(List Price: $ 649.00) Stock Available $ 551.65 (EA)
0450021-1 SPINNER
(List Price: $ 558.00) Stock Available $ 502.20 (EA)
The bad part of this is, while I have seen a few that lasted and held up, most of the spinner domes seem to begin cracking in the first 50 to 100 hours. It is an entirely different spinner than the BN-1 that is the basis for the Sensenich marketed spinner. The BN-1 in the Sensenich version, while possibly not always the best fit, is a very sturdy spinner. Sensenich went to the trouble to have this spinner custom cut and drilled by ACS for them (you can buy it from Aircraft Spruce, but it is a blank, unfinished product) and Sensenich holds an STC for this.