I got the new 69CK-0-48L prop hung today. The new Sensenich/ACS spinner looks quite a bit different and will take some getting used to. The spinner fit the bulkheads perfectly and all the holes lined up, but the propeller blade openings had to be massaged with a Dremel tool as there was some interference. One unforeseen issue is my cowl plugs no longer fit worth a damn.
The new 48" has exactly the same static RPM as my old 50" McCauley (2440). I have long suspected that the old 50" was probably performing about like a new 48" due to having been whittled down over the years, including rounded tips. With WOT at 2,500 MSL, RPM was exactly at redline (2,750).
If anyone can use my old spinner or propeller, let me know. I will make you a good deal on either or both. The spinner and bulkheads are in very good condition with no cracks (the rear bulkhead is fairly new). The prop was re-pitched, balanced and painted at Maxwell Propeller in Minneapolis in July 2013.
you have pm