If your airplane was in Ontario, it'd be snapped up for sure. Being IFR certified, a good looker with good glass, low times... $20K in Canuck-bucks is fantastic compared to what is currently in the Canadian market.
Consider advertising in Canada, and maybe get in touch with a shop that could handle the import. It's red and white scheme practically screams "Paint a maple leaf on the tail and send me to Canada!" Even if it cost $5K to import it, I think it's still a good value. I highly recommend
Cornwall Avaiation [
cornwallaviation.com], they did my pre-buy and have a great reputation. My experience with Steve Small was excellent.
Brant Aero [
brantaero.com] is also highly regarded, and perhaps more convenient. They're a large & busy shop, and may be a bit more $$ but they are fair. There are other options around too.
Shoot... I'm half considering it just to get the lower time engine and IFR cert!