More information on the taildragger that's for sale. We've had a chance to review the logs and have been asked by the owner to post this ad on the Club's forum. The owner is motivated to sell the airplane, if interested please contact the owner (Amy) at:
Amy Kjenslie
(cell) 352-223-4088
Log Review
− FAA Registration: N3341V
− 1975 Cessna 150M s/n 15076467
− TT 3610
− SMOH 1156
− Last Annual 8/2013
− ACT Texas Taildragger Conversion (1995) STC SA2846SW (Flat, leaf spring legs

− Scott 3200 Tailwheel
− Last Compressions 75 - 74 - 74 - 72
− Horton STOL STC SA2433CE
− Flap Gap Seal Kit STC SA909CE
− Belly drain
− Patroller Doors
− Skylights
− AD compliance confirmed August 2013
− Major airframe repairs 1995 during rebuild - (L & R wing, bell crank repairs, fuel tanks replaced
− Modified from alternator to generator with the pull start (when the rebuilt "G" engine was installed)
− RT 328 nav/com
− RT 359A transponder
− Marker Beacon R-502B
− Altimeter check Sept 2012
− Prop Overhaul 1995
− This airplane is a 1975 Cessna 150 “M” model.
− It is in annual (Aug 2013) and was regularly flying.
− It appears as if all paperwork is in order (logbook entries, Airworthiness Directive Compliance & FAA 337 approvals for the STC modifications; ACT Texas Taildragger conversion, Horton STOL conversion & Major Airframe Repairs).
− Winter 1980 aircraft was damaged in a windstorm and sold as a project; the airplane was effectively put into a non-flying status and stored away as a rebuild project.
− Some preliminary work on the engine mount was performed in 1986 and the original "Cessna 150M vintage" engine was sold sometime during the 1980’s decade.
− A rebuilt (major overhaul) engine from a Cessna 150 “G” model was purchased in 1984 and was put into the airplane in 1986.
− Logs are “quiet” until 1994 timeframe.
− Logs resume 1994 with the ACT Texas Taildragger conversion, Horton STOL conversion, wing and airframe repairs and overhauled engine. Converted to generator electrical system with pull start (with the overhauled engine from "G" model 150).
− Because the newly rebuilt "G model" engine used a generator … the newer technology alternator was not put back into place, and the original airplane key start option was disabled (
it’s still in the panel but doesn’t work) and the older style “pull start handle” was put on as a modification … hence the 1975 airplane has an older-style pull start and generator charging system.
− There were many repaired or other used/new parts put onto the airplane since.
Our personal thoughts: While it’s had a lot of repairs and modifications, it’s been flying for quite some time (since the mid-1990's) and seems to be a good all around flyer that needs a new home. The owner is asking $14K or best offer (she really needs to get this sold). Pictures are posted earlier in this thread.Have fun and check this tail dragger out.