Sir: I am one of your always looking club members. But yours intrigues me. (1) Does it fly today? (2) Will it be in fly-away condition on sale day? (3) The hangar looks wind-blown; was it moved up from the Texas Coastal Bend Area? I hope it sells soon, & to a good owner. Thanks. Dennis
Yes 4171U is still a certificated plane and airworthy if that's what you mean. I just flew the plane last weekend, so yes she is most definitely a flyable airplane.
The hangar in the picture belongs to our neighbor Kenny...the lean is merely an optical illusion from the cell phone camera. It's actually a cement block building, put up right here in Florida.
Take a look at this funny Chick Flick Video [] . Sandy (dark-haired) and her plane LuluBelle are in it. Catherine is the blonde with the Aerobat.
Sandy I'm happy for you and your father to be starting this project. My uncle is a pilot and he used to take us flying as kids. Something I've always wanted to do in fact we were considering building an Express a few years ago and life kind of got in the way. Reading your post has re-ignited my interest in getting my license, in fact I've convinced my uncle who has been away from the sky in quite a bit of time to go out and get current. So thanks for sharing your story.
As for your aircraft,I'm considering purchasing a 150 and was wondering what is the cruising speed of the aircraft with the 150hp engine. I've done some reading on the conversion and get mixed reviews about the pros and cons. How much is the useful load on the aircraft?
Welcome Gerardo! You can't go wrong hanging around this place, and getting a 150 to finish your license would be great!
My 150 is not 150hp..just a regular 100hp under her cowl. We had an STC for a 150hp conversion for our other 150 and are selling a number of things we had collected towards that project. Other folks here do have 150/150s and can certainly tell you more about the performance they see.
My 1966 150F with a 150HP conversion had a true airspeed of 110kts. at 8000 feet when turning 2650RPM and was burning 8gph.
A 150 with 150HP is faster than a stock 150 but not what I would consider a fast airplane. I did the 150HP conversion for better high altitude performance. The Del-Air STC allows for a 10% gross weight increase. About 100lbs. of that was lost to the heavier engine and propellor.