I've got an O-200A Core available for sale if anyone can make use of it. It had 1260 SMOH and currently has a new Millennium Cylinder that has only 8 hours on it. It also has a Sky-tec lightweight Starter on it.
I also have an alternator, a pair of slick mag cores, a pair of Bendix mags, and an O-200A Carburetor.
I'll post some photos after I get them off my phone.
Last edited by Tactic; 09/15/1310:10 PM.
"If Your Cessna is older than your wife..." You might Be a Redneck.
The intake valve in the #1 Cylindar was sucked in, it swapped ends and punched holes through the #1 piston. When metal was found in the oil filter, the engine was pulled for overhaul (no further investigation has been done.) I got a good deal on another engine and therefore this one was never sent out for overhaul. It is likely a very good candidate for overhaul (or possible repair). The #2 Cylinder was new eight hours ago and the engine was running mineral oil at the time of the failure. I have the #1 Cylinder (future lamp) but it is beyond the point where it could be overhauled and therefore this "Core" is shy one cylinder.
I'm still researching the value and going rate for a core like this one. I'm new to this game. Figured I'd post here and give club members first shot if someone could make use of them. My guess is that an A&P could overhaul the components quite easily. Feel free to send me a PM if you have an offer (or some advice).
Photos are attached.
Last edited by Tactic; 09/16/1301:29 PM.
"If Your Cessna is older than your wife..." You might Be a Redneck.
I would think that if metal was found in the oil..at least a teardown and inspection is in order. I probably would not touch it without some sort of knowledge that the metal found in the filter wasn't from the valve knocking the crap out of the piston. Could be metal all over the bottom end...and maybe not.
That's why it is being offered as a core. If someone wants to pick it up and find that it can be repaired instead of overhauled then they have gotten a heck of a deal. If not, they got just what was offered, a core for overhaul.
I'm not going to ask a used engine price. Attached you will see what's left of the #1 Cylinder (No secrets here). The metal found in the filter was from the destruction of the piston. At the time the engine had both an oil screen and an oil filter. No metal was found in the accessories that were pulled. Both the alternator and the starter were pulled.
Last edited by Tactic; 09/16/1308:52 PM.
"If Your Cessna is older than your wife..." You might Be a Redneck.