| Joined: Mar 2004 Posts: 4,842 Likes: 259 Member/2500+posts | Member/2500+posts Joined: Mar 2004 Posts: 4,842 Likes: 259 | I'm floating an idea for the group to see what kind of interest there would be if I offered my 150 for sale as is, where is. (For those who are unfamiliar with Super Flea, she is currently not flying and in need of overhaul, after the in flight failure of the #1 Cylinder following an intake valve ingestion). She has been a good reliable airplane for the 8+ years I've owned her, and her engine is a very good candidate for overhaul. 1260hrs SMOH. #2 Cylinder was brand new 9 hours and 6 - 7 months ago (and she glides very well  ). She is a good straight flying, 1974 Model C-150L. Cruises at around 112 mph. She could use a new paint job, but I would say paint is about a 5.5 out of 10 and interior is about a 6 out of ten. Paint is mostly original, faded and some flaking. She is well worth the overhaul or engine swap. Just not sure it meets my current situation to do so. I'm trying to decide if it makes more sense for me to sell as is and move on to something else, or go ahead and swap out engines/overhaul. I'm not interested in giving her away nor am I too keen on seeing her parted out. If there is some interest, feel free to send me a PM and I'll be happy to give you some more information and listen to offers. I'll give you the straight skinny; good, bad and ugly. I'm not a used car salesman and would want you to know just what you were getting. https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/557247_4647337545093_182249254_n.jpg
Last edited by Tactic; 06/19/13 11:32 PM.
| | | | Joined: Mar 2004 Posts: 4,842 Likes: 259 Member/2500+posts | Member/2500+posts Joined: Mar 2004 Posts: 4,842 Likes: 259 | Just wrote a check for my new engine. Should be back in the air in two to three weeks time.  | | | | Joined: Dec 2003 Posts: 14,782 Likes: 544 Member/10,000+ posts! | Member/10,000+ posts! Joined: Dec 2003 Posts: 14,782 Likes: 544 |
-Kirk Wennerstrom President, Cessna 150-152 Fly-In Foundation 1976 Cessna Cardinal RG N7556V Hangar D1, Bridgeport, CT KBDR
| | | | Joined: Mar 2004 Posts: 12,760 Member/10,000+ posts! | Member/10,000+ posts! Joined: Mar 2004 Posts: 12,760 | Excellent!
What shop did you choose for the overhaul?
Message sent from a rotary pay phone... Bengie [ Linked Image]
| | | | Joined: Mar 2004 Posts: 15,868 Likes: 977 Member/15,000 posts | Member/15,000 posts Joined: Mar 2004 Posts: 15,868 Likes: 977 | Just wrote a check for my new engine. Should be back in the air in two to three weeks time. And what better way to break in a new engine than a trip to Clinton.
Ron Stewart N5282B KSFZ | | | | Joined: Jul 2004 Posts: 21,705 Likes: 2245 Member/20,000 posts | Member/20,000 posts Joined: Jul 2004 Posts: 21,705 Likes: 2245 | You're always thinking, Ron. Good news Tactic.  Ya feel better now that you've pulled the trigger???? Jim
Cessna 150/150, N2259M - Mighty Mouse
| | | | Joined: Feb 2004 Posts: 3,732 Likes: 169 Member/2500+posts | Member/2500+posts Joined: Feb 2004 Posts: 3,732 Likes: 169 | I think you made a good decision. These 150 are good planes-had mine 15 yr and love it.
Bruce Hoven retired school teacher and pharmacist-1976 C150
| | | | Joined: Mar 2004 Posts: 4,842 Likes: 259 Member/2500+posts | Member/2500+posts Joined: Mar 2004 Posts: 4,842 Likes: 259 | Yes, it feels good! I should have done a better edit. The engine is new to me, but not technically new. It is 100 hrs since reman. It is a very similar situation to Kirk's engine. The owner had his plane (A T-Craft) in his hangar but the hangar flooded during the storm and ruined his landing gear. Engine was high and dry. 100hrs on the engine. (Just broken in  ) As luck would have it, it was installed and has been maintained by an IA I've known for years and he offered to go down to CT, pull the engine and bring it up to me. He has done all the maintenance since he first installed it about a year ago and I've seen all the books. Removal, delivery, engine and all accessories (to include mags, Alt., starter, carb etc.) on a 100 hr engine for $11,500. Should be coming up next week and then it's just swapping out the two and I am due for annual.. So I'll still have an engine Core, with a new #2 Cylinder with only 9 hours on it, and accessories like a two year old starter, Slick mags and other serviceable parts for sale.
Last edited by Tactic; 06/24/13 11:44 PM.
| | | | Joined: Mar 2004 Posts: 15,868 Likes: 977 Member/15,000 posts | Member/15,000 posts Joined: Mar 2004 Posts: 15,868 Likes: 977 | 100hrs on the engine. Just broken in!! Well you good to go. No worries on the way to Clinton then.
Ron Stewart N5282B KSFZ | | | | Joined: Jul 2004 Posts: 21,705 Likes: 2245 Member/20,000 posts | Member/20,000 posts Joined: Jul 2004 Posts: 21,705 Likes: 2245 | Great follow up. Sounds like the stars lined up and you found the perfect solution to a nasty problem.  I'm a sucker for happy endings and this is a happy ending in spades.  Jim
Cessna 150/150, N2259M - Mighty Mouse
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