You guys are terrific! My first post and the response is overwhelming!
That's because we're a bunch of know-it-all's.
Good luck on whatever you decide to do.
Oh BTW.....I have it on very good authority that a piece of black delrin that is machined to a certain measurement and tolerance will eliminate shaft wobble and bearing/shaft replacement forever. It also affords very smooth and frictionless operation as well.
I included the link to the owner produced parts info to show that it is not true that you can only use FAA approved parts in certified aircraft. Fly safe.
Sorry if I came off wrong re your post about parts 150flivver. I didn't mean to suggest it wasn't good or informative because it is both. But in my case I am not wiling to produce a new air box on my own. But that isn't too say I won't want to do this for another part along the way. So thanks for the info! I just need to find the Canadian equivalent.
Jim, I am not certain what you are specifically referring to, but if that picture is your airplane - wow! You could eat off it! I really like the red. It looks brand new!
You could eat off it! I really like the red. It looks brand new!
No you could not - food particles would get in the way of the detailing. The engine is red - or chrome - or red - or chrome or...... Not new but better than new!
Well whatever the case I would love to see some more pics! The engine in my new old bird is well experienced with 2200 hours! But she runs like a charm and has good compression all around. But I bought it knowing it would need a new or overhauled engine in the not so distant future. I can't imagine what the engine in this pic (is it Jim's?) would have cost or the amount of time went into it. When the time comes for mine I will make sure it is really clean, but.....
Thanks James. That must have popped up today as I have been checking religiously! Just hadn't gotten to it yet today. I am going to hold off til I hear from that acorn welding outfit. The problem with eBay of course is you never really know for certain what you are getting. Is this a certified part? Who can say for certain. But I will watch it closely.
I see why I hadn't seen that. I was searching for "Cessna 150 air box". This ad says nothing about Cessna. I will have to modify my search. Thanks again.
As for Jim's plane, holy moly! I see the cylinders say lycoming :-)
Last edited by Eric_Peterson; 04/15/1302:58 AM. Reason: Updated