I agree with you that the extra HP is great off the ground and gives you a little more forward speed. Where I said marginal, was probably more in line with cost over distance travelled, or time experience as such. With mine I can get it to sit on 100kts(on a good day), a friend of my has a 150/150 and it cruises at about 110-112Kts (hence I mentioned marginal) If I was doing lots of cross countries, and wanted to carry a little extra weight in and out of small fields it would be good, however with me (and I am being specific here when I say me) when I go for a fly its usually around the local patch and for about an hour, so at a time, the difference in fuel flow is what I cant quite justify with out the ability to carry extra bums on seats as such.
I know we've had this discussion before and its all about where the throttle is situated in relation to the panel that relates to $$ spent. I guess, if I had the oportuninty to buy one with the conversion already compleated there is every possibility I would, however I would not entertain sinking the money into a conversion as there is likly to be more invested in the aircraft than I would ever recover at resale time.
There is one on the club site for sale at the moment and I think the list price was $46,000 US, then you have Dennis's which was advertised at around $18-$19K, would I buy the $46K over the $19K, only if I had an abundance of money I had nothing else better to do with, and thats the whole point, side by side at a similar price, yep, 150/150 otherwise, go for the 100/150....