I like the wind in my face. Since I am between planes and waiting to see what the future holds I have been using this to get close and personal with the low and slow. Roll it out of the shop and through the gate and off we go.
I like the wind in my face. Since I am between planes and waiting to see what the future holds I have been using this to get close and personal with the low and slow. Roll it out of the shop and through the gate and off we go.
I have seriously thought about one of those. It might happen. But I got to find a used one with a 4-stroke engine. (Ya get the impression I don't like two stroke engines?) I need to find someone locally who has one and get a ride in one.
I just cannot seem to let this go. And back into the search I have delved. I am starting to reconsider building our own airplane. I do have the skills and know-how. But do I have the patience to see it through? The plane that would best suit our needs is either the Zenith CH 701 or 750. [zenithair.com] . It is told that they can be built for under $30,000. I wonder if that is a truly realistic number?
I have run the numbers on the 701 a bunch of times (about twice a year). The best I could seem to do was about 35,000 and that was scrimping on everything.
I have gotten the math into the 30,000 range, but that was assuming a Wynn Corvair.
I just cannot seem to let this go. And back into the search I have delved. I am starting to reconsider building our own airplane. I do have the skills and know-how. But do I have the patience to see it through? The plane that would best suit our needs is either the Zenith CH 701 or 750. [zenithair.com] . It is told that they can be built for under $30,000. I wonder if that is a truly realistic number?
Bill Grants Pass, Oregon
I seem to recall seeing a pretty reasonably priced Zenith CH 701 in Trade a Plane very recently. I tossed out my last copy, but remember thinking of you when I saw it. Pick up a copy and take a look It's probably still in there. Was only a week or two ago that I saw it.
"If Your Cessna is older than your wife..." You might Be a Redneck.
Found another one that looks just like the one you posted except it is a bi-plane. If I find the listing again I'll post it. Brand new plane, still needs to fly out its 50 hours. Guess the owner is a builder not a flier.
Last edited by Tactic; 04/28/1103:26 PM.
"If Your Cessna is older than your wife..." You might Be a Redneck.