So, I am thinking it will be too much of a hassle to switching engines between these airplanes due to paperwork issues. But I am hard into researching it.
Still a bargain (from what I see) at $16K... or even $20K! I could scrape up the cash and I'd go look at it for $16K... but I already have 3 projects! Dang it!
Alright, Chris! Cat's outta the bag (I'd already found the eBay listing by looking for completed listings... you can hit and run... but you can't hide!). What's the story behind the sale? Estaste sale?
Silly question but where is the landing light? Thinking of swapping wings? Trade you for the cowling.
I have seen a number of 150/150's without landing lights. They were originally in the cowl. And when the cowl was modified, they didn't bother reinstalling the landing light.
WOW ....That's a killer purchase price there my friend, you did well to secure it for Under 10K - again WOW, and a 150/150 too, and all in all (looking at the pic's anyway) doesn't look like you'll need to put too much in to fix her up either
Congrat's on your find, way to go - you should get lots of enjoyment out of that one
What's wrong with an E2A? As long as it's already been field approved and you have all the paperwork, what's the real difference?
I like the idea of leaving the landing light out of the nose. They are too short lived there anyway, and landing lights aren't really a necessity for operating out of a lighted field (I wouldn't do it HERE though... too many deer at night!)
I'd install standard wing mounted lights in BOTH wings!
What's wrong with an E2A? As long as it's already been field approved and you have all the paperwork, what's the real difference?
Carl, pay attention, will ya? Our E2D Wide Deck engine in our present airplane has only 400 hours on overhaul. I wanted to transfer our low time engine to this other airplane. But our STC does not list the E2A. So we would have to purchase a different STC to mount the E2A in our airplane. And possibly to mount the E2D in that airplane. Lot's more expense then we want to do just to get long range wings...................