Thanks Carl. I tried to convey that it is a nice plane, but that it has a serious engine problem that needs to be fixed before it is flown around. And most likely the fix will mean a major overhaul, or at least a bottom end overhaul.
One guy wrote and called me a liar and an a--hole because I said it was well maintained, but also that it has been flying with undetected low oil pressure.

He's on the blocked list.
This time I told my friends "The mourning period is over, I'm ready to let it go and move on."
But now that the reserve is met, I'm having second thoughts again.

There is a pickled O-200 for sale out in Michigan.
On the other hand, I flew the 172 that I'm buying into and it is fast, climbs strong (with three people), handles nice, and flies hands off. It will radically cut my flying expenses,

and free up time and money to put towards an experimental, too.