Ha! The mind plays strange games with one sometimes. This pretty pink aeroplane (I wouldn't say no!!!!! (:)) puts me in mind of the cartoon strip I was once going to write and illustrate about a big breasted, long lashed Texas girl and her trusty beat up pick up truck. This lady, though extremely feminine, tended to be somewhat underestimated, and in the comic series puts some snooty snoots from the Ivy League schools and upsnort politicos in the Eastern corrifor firmly in their place. In other words, a girl from the sticks but nobody's fool and with her feet solidly on the ground...the kind that was also quite capable of donning evening wear with long gloves, settling inside her pick up truck and pulling up outside the Met in NYC, being handed out of the truck and letting the lackey go park it (assuming he could find a place in NYC to place such a long beast). Her Texas Ladyship thereby ascends the marble stairs into the throng of champagne drinkers, holding her own in cultivated conversation with the best of them prior to partaking of Verdi.
Yes I am extremely longwinded (just now getting to the point!), but I can imagine the same character having equally wonderful adventures in such a pretty pink airplane.
Never did write the strip though I had lots of ideas and the magazine editor at the Amcar magazine here in Norway was interested in it. I just couldn't get consistent on the drawing, and you need to be able to do that to write a strip. Just another one of my many mental forays into the stratosphere that never materialised. But just like they say a good horse was never a bad color, a desperate wannabe (sorry, GONNABE) like me would settle for any color scheme if my teacher or mentor told me it was a sound and good airplane....and I guess since I'm female, I don't need to have any qualms about pink. Just got to get rid of some of these grey hairs commingling with the rest to so as to live up to the image of the pink airplane!
So how's that for a long winded, airhead candy floss of a post???)
Jennifer in Norway