Dear Mr. Cespedes:
Jose, thank you very much for your referral, I got the set of wheel pants for that price, $175.00 plus $87.00 for shipping, in fact those are now in my hands although the add still on e-Bay.
By the way those match the colors and skim lines of my first ever airplane, the 1979 Cessna 152.
Once I install them I will be sharing the looks of them that I am sure the airplane will be looking much better.
In regards to the hardware I paid $198.00 for all of it and that, it was based on a referral from, Bryan, which I also appreciate. So my total bill for everything came up to $470.00
It is amazing that the same used items from another source was $3,514.09 and the wheel pants have to be repainted to match my airplane skim and colors. With the ones I got, I was lucky twice, low cost and it matches my airplane. Just amazing!!!
Well and once again thank you very much for your unconditional support. All of you have been extremely generous and that is something commendable.
You both are a tremendous asset to the members of this great club, I am proud of you guys.
Salvador Corona