...a homebuilt 3/4 scale Piper Pawnee! 27' span instead of 36', 18.5', Geo Metro engine... fly "Altitude at discretion."
Tom- I've seen a homebuilt called a Spezio (sp.?) Sport that could 'pass' as a Pawnee, and I think there might be an ultralight that is designed to look like an ag plane. Will try to find it and post.
Found some pictures:
Last edited by Dennis_Geivett; 08/17/0705:53 PM. Reason: added pictures
Carl, I'm curious to know what RPM do you normally cruise at? I typically don't have the patience to pull back on the throttle very much especially headed against the wind...come to think of it I like to speed along with the wind as well. I fly a '74 150L. I'll typically fly lower headed west to minimize head winds and much higher headed back east to take advantage of the higher tail winds. I still average about 5.5 to 6 gallons per hour. I once flew from Summerset, PA to Port Clinton, OH on full tanks thinking that I had more than enough fuel to fly the 210 nm. When I landed and re-fueled, the plane took about 19 gallons. I had experienced higher than expected head winds which taught me to keep track of fuel in terms of time instead of miles.
[quote=Dennis_Geivett] [quote] If I'm flying "for the joy of the journey" ..........I usualy try & stay low low & lower !
How stupid can you get, Tony? Flying low like that? Don't you know that you are endangering others? What if you crashed? The media would be all over you and giving all of us other " safe" pilots a black eye! How could you be so..........so......IRRESPONSIBLE???? You have got to be a friggin IDIOT!!
You won't believe it, Tony, but we actually had a pilot complain! YES! Actually COMPLAIN that some of us were flying TOO low while out on the Alvord Desert? All of that flat, featureless desert and he was actually complaining about us out there enjoying all of that space and freedom by flying low. He actually called us "IDIOTS!"
Reminds me of when Gary was ferrying Mr. Ed to Oregon here. He posted these great pictures of him skimming the desert floor. He was having a ball! Yet, I had people emailing me criticizing Gary and wondering what I was going to do to reprimand him for flying that way in my airplane.
I was flabbergasted! Any ways, I responded with, "How can I reprimand Gary for doing exactly what I would be doing under the same circumstances??"