John, Thanks again for the exchange of cylinders. Like we talked earlier of, my mechanic wants to have it yellow tagged before he installs it, complying with the AD regarding continental cylinders. From what I understand any cylinder that is removed needs to be inspected before it is re-installed. So I'll do just that.
Ron, do you have someone that can perform that work in your area? John has offered to fly it down to you, if you know some place I can have that inspection done. If not, I'll try to find someone local. My cylinder is somewhere near Boston, I'll find out exactly where, tomorrow A.M.
And, Yes I would love to join you on your trip to Oswego on Sunday. Send me a PM with your number again. We'll talk soon.
Thanks again, John and Ron! Another fine example of how the wonderful people involved with this club, make things happen. Thanks guys!
My best,